Canadian University Applications: Should You Take the IELTS This Summer?


Summer vacation is here, and the main question to consider is whether I should take the IELTS test now. What should I do if I fail the test?
When are language scores required for my university application?

Generally, the validity of language scores is only two years. 

Canadian university applications are usually submitted in September and October of grade 12, so it is best to take the language test during the summer vacation after grade 11.
Most universities have a deadline for submitting language scores in February or April.

For example, let us review the deadlines for the 2025 academic year at some Canadian universities:

University of Toronto

  • All majors at UofT St. George, Mississauga, and Scarborough campuses must submit language scores before February 1.
  • UofT Engineering has a unique submission date of January 15.

University of British Columbia (UBC)

  • The deadline for both UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan campuses is February 15.

McGill University

The date for submitting your language scores will depend on where you attended high school:

  • High school graduates from China should submit before March 1.
  • Students attending high school in Ontario and outside of Quebec must submit their application before May 4.
  • Students studying in Quebec must submit their application by April 15 at the latest.

University of Waterloo

  • Language scores must be submitted before February 16.
  • Early admission applications for Engineering programs must be submitted by January 15.

What language scores do universities recognize?

In addition to the common IELTS and TOEFL, many Canadian universities also accept other language scores, such as Duolingo, PTE, etc.

Take the University of Toronto as an example:

COPE A language test unique to the University of Toronto and only recognized by the University of Toronto. It includes reading (90 minutes), writing (35 minutes), and listening (75 minutes), but no oral test.

It should be noted that although UBC and SFU accept Duolingo, they do so only if your country does not have other language tests such as IELTS and TOEFL.

Language requirements of various universities

The overall IELTS score requirement is 6.5, with a score of 6 in each of the listening, speaking, reading, and writing sections.

But there are exceptions:

  • University of Waterloo: IELTS total score of 6.5, with no less than 6.5 in writing and speaking, and no less than 6 in reading and listening.
  • University of Ottawa: IELTS overall score of 6.5, with a minimum writing score of 6.5.

What should I do if I don’t pass the language test?

Many institutions offer English support or pathway programs.

University of Toronto International Foundation Program (IFP): Located on the St. George campus, the IFP helps international students improve their English and adapt to the Canadian academic environment with some university credit courses.

IELTS entrance requirements for the IFP:

  • Autumn/Winter semester: 5.0-6.5 (no less than 5.0 in each subject; no less than 5.5 in writing)
  • Summer semester: 6.5 (no less than 5.5 in each subject; no less than 6.0 in writing)

Other pathway programs include:

  • ICEAP at the University of Western Ontario
  • Vantage College at UBC
  • Fraser International College (FIC) at SFU
  • Pathways Program at the University of Victoria
  • Bridging Program at the University of Alberta
  • YUBridge Program at York University

These bridge programs at top Canadian universities will help you improve your English, adapt to university life, and successfully enter your desired academic course.

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